Mr Boyd
HOME LEARNING 13.07.20 - Click on link to Mrs McHugh's page for resources.
HOME LEARNING 06.07.20 - CLICK on link to MRS MCHUGH's class for resources.
HOME LEARNING 29.06.20 Click on link to" Mrs Mchugh" for this weeks resources.
HOME LEARNING 22.06.20. Click link "Mrs McHugh"for this week's resources.
HOME LEARNING 15.06.20. Click link "Mrs McHugh" to access Year 6 resources
HOME LEARNING OVERVIEW 08.06.20. click "Mrs McHugh" link to goto the resources for this week.
HOME LEARNING OVERVIEW 01.06.20. click "Mrs McHugh" link to goto the resources for this week.
HOME LEARNING OVERVIEW 18.05.20 - Click 'Mrs McHugh' below to go to the resources for this week.
HOME LEARNING 11.05.20 (Summer Term Week 4)
WEEK 7 Summer Home Learning
HOME LEARNING - Summer Week 2
Croeso i Dosbarth Mr Boyd.
Bore da boys and girls, I hope you are all well and that you've had a fantastic Easter Break. Underneath you will find all of the work that I would like you to complete this week. Good luck.
We have broken down resources into areas of learning for you:
Literacy Resources
Numeracy Resources
R.E. Resources
Welsh Resources
Topic & Science Resources
Our next topic is called Gallery Rebels. Take a look at the home learning ideas in the document below. Choose one or more to have a go at.
Also, take a look at this web page for some lovely ideas you and your parents can do to learn about Science in the house.